
『英会話・ぜったい・音読 入門編』(講談社)に「日本の民族や独自の文化を、世界に正しく発信できるようになって欲しい」という思いから選定しましたというレッスンの中に、アイヌのおはなしが出ていたよ。


Do you like traveling? I like it very much. I went to Hokkaido last summer. I visited an Ainu museum. I learned about the Ainu there.
Once Hokkaido was the land of the Ainu. The names of places show this. For example, 'Sapporo', 'Kushiro', and 'Asahikawa' are from the Ainu language.
People in Honshu went into Hokkaido at the end of the Edo period. They changed the Ainu way of life.
These changes became official in the Meiji period. Many Ainu customs became illegal. They stopped hunting and fishing, and began farming against their will. They could not use their own language in public.
Today, some Ainus are trying to keep their traditional ways. Kayano Shigeru is one of them.
He thought, "The life of a people is in its language." So he started Ainu language classes with his friends. This moved many people.
Now Ainu teachers give their people language lessons. The language lives again.
(引用元:國弘正雄(編)『英会話・ぜったい・音読 入門編』(講談社パワー・イングリッシュ)Lesson 4 "Ainu" (このレッスンは、株式会社三省堂 New Crown English Series New Edition 2 の Lesson 8 から再録しました。))

アイヌ民族:苦難の歴史かみしめ…民族衣装で国会傍聴 - 毎日jp(毎日新聞)